We’re a coffeeshop in business to change the rhythm of the world
our philosophy
Coffee is our craft, our ritual, our passion.
Cover Coffee, located in the heart of Palo Alto, was established by three coffee enthusiasts. Over time, it has evolved into a team of skilled and passionate coffee professionals, who possess vast expertise and an unyielding commitment to excellence. With an inquisitive spirit, we are constantly pushing boundaries, exploring new ingredients and techniques. However, we always remain true to our core belief: serving coffee and food that brings joy, accompanied by a service that brings a smile to your face.
our story
Everything we do is a matter of heart, body and soul.
We source and roast coffee from single farms, estates and cooperatives. When we taste a coffee that we like, we want to know where it comes from and who grows, picks and processes it. We travel extensively throughout the year, visiting the producers and cooperatives with whom we currently work and looking for interesting varietals of coffee and new farms from which to buy. During these visits we talk to farmers and cooperative members, learning more about the coffee they grow and process and the challenges that they face. We then look to establish a relationship with the grower and exporter of that coffee. We believe that where such a relationship exists, quality, quantity and price requirements can be discussed in an open and equal way. We see this as sustainable, fair and equal trade.
We source coffee from all over the world from farmers we know and trust